Christians of all denominations are invited to join in solemn prayer on Good Friday at Charleston Women’s Medical Center where approximately 2000 abortions up to 16 weeks are done each year. We refrain on this solemn day of our Lord’s death from using signs that would connote a picket or demonstration to the public. Instead, a life-sized cross will be our only sign as we carry the cross of abortion, keeping the prayerful focus of the day on the cross of Christ. Come for as long as you can, an hour or so. Plan now to set aside time on Good Friday to commemorate Christ’s redeeming act and pray for the innocent children who are killed daily by abortion. QUESTIONS: call Cheryle at 843-696-0604 PLEASE DO NOT PARK in CARRIAGE LANE OFFICE LOT. Parking avaialable along Fuseler St. or on Ashley River Road. RAIN OR SHINE: Bring umbrella.
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