Ministry Contacts

 If you are interested in joining a ministry, please email or call the office (843-768-0357) to be put in touch with the ministry chairperson listed below.                                                  

Liturgical Ministry & Nursing HomeDeacon Joe Stocker
Music DirectorLaura Ball
Extraordinary Ministers of the EucharistGreg Weigle
LectorsDenise Trucillo
UshersTom Roberts
Altar ServersTom Roberts
CatechistsBeth Mathewes
Ana Tovar (español)
SacristanPatricia Pribek
Knights of ColumbusJeremy Billew
Men's Book GroupRobert Speziale
Christian Life CommunityJohn Lombardo
Connecting Threads GuildKitty Walter
Patricia Call
Ministry of ConsolationKathleen Buchman
Family MinistryAlison Leeman
Summer Turner
Hospitality & OutreachDeborah Hartman
Respect for Life MinistryJo-Ann Flynn
Respite Luncheon MinistryJanet Chafe
ArimatheansMarilyn Schnitz