This is the LAST WEEKEND for the School Supply Drive!
This year we are adopting the students/teachers at Edith L. Frierson Elementary School on Wadmalaw Island, the girls softball team at St. Johns High School and our parish students. The school supply drive begins June 15 and ends July 14. Donations may be left at The Family Life Center, the office, in the Narthex of the church or shipped directly from Amazon.
The Parish will be having a blessing of the bookbags this summer for our parish children and youth on Wednesday, July 24 at 5:30 p.m.! We will be providing a variety of school supplies at this event for our parish students. Let us bless our parish students with some school supplies, receive a blessing for the school year and enjoy a hotdog dinner. Please register your student by emailing crescentcarevet@gmail.com. Make sure to include students name and age as well at the number attending the dinner. This event is free for our parish families.
How to Donate/Participate
1) Pick an apple off the tree in the Narthex of the church, purchase the item and drop it at the parish by July 14.
2) Use the Amazon Wish List link to order, it will be shipped directly to the church.
3) Make a monetary donation to Holy Spirit and note School Supplies in the memo line.
Have any questions? Please email Deborah Hartman at hartmandmh@aol.com.
Thank you very much for your support. God Bless!
– The Ministry of Hospitality and Outreach
Amazon Link https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/NR4F3SM2IF40?ref_=wl_share