VBS 2024 (June 24th-28th)

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VBS 2024 (June 24th-28th)

VBS 2024 “Under the Sea”
Come join us for a week of fun under the sea! VBS will take place June 24th-28th from 9AM-Noon. We welcome kids (grades K4-6th), and counselors (grades 7+). Please email bmathewes@holyspiritsc.org with any questions

Sign Ups for Kids: https://forms.gle/wK4Skry3uXLwRnjZA
Sign Ups for Counselors: https://forms.gle/TULfFNcBAr4v5jE46
VBS will tak place June 24th-28th from 9AM-Noon. We welcome kids (grades K4-6th), and counselors (grades 7+). Please email bmathewes@holyspiritsc.org with any questions